cronetwork academy course schedule

All courses at a glance

From scheduling board, to time & attendance, to plant data and machine data, to system engineering: Our range of training courses covers most all relevant areas of cronetwork MES in your production.

Browse our detailed course schedule and then use our brand new Learn Management System (LMS) for your online registration. This secures your place in cronetwork academy!

cronetwork scheduling board

Scheduling board

basic | user & key-user | 1,5 days

Learn how Scheduling Board will become the core tool of your transparent and optimized production planning and control.

Efficient use of schedule & resources

advanced | key-user | 2 days

Learn how to optimally harness the various scheduling variants while you maintain an overview of your production capacities.

cronetwork business intelligence

PIDO & Portal

basic | user & key-user | 1 day

Learn how you can create customized BI evaluations and use them in your daily work.


advanced | key-user | 1 day

Building on the basic functions, learn how you can link portlets and Web services.


advanced | key-user | 1 day

Learn how to create an interactive user interface and use the Portal as a flexible BI presentation tool.

PIDO Jasper

expert | key-user | 1 day

Learn how you can create even more detailed, flexible and functional reports for your production, thanks to JasperReports.

cronetwork plant and machine data

Plant & maschine data

basic | user & key-user | 1,5 days

Find out how this module supports your foreman and workshop level through the seamless recording of order data and reporting processes.

Plant data

advanced | key-user | 1 day

Find out how our terminal, as a central reporting and information surface, supports you flexibly and purposefully through individual parameterizations.

Maschine data

acvanced | key-user | 1,5 days

After the basic course, you will find out which functions and options are still available to you for the automatic transfer of machine states.

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